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Internal communication is a growing area of both opportunity and concern for many small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). 77% of people say that being updated about company news helps their job performance—yet, 29% say that their company’s current method of internal communication isn’t working (Source). Businesses with poor internal communication are missing out on boosted productivity, employee advocacy and engagement. But how can businesses improve how they communicate? Digital signage may be the answer.

Alongside long-established solutions such as mass emails and face-to-face meetings, companies are now using digital signage to keep staff informed. Corporate digital signage gives SMEs the opportunity to display company announcements, mass communications and important statistics.

As society continues to embrace digital, SMEs need to adapt in order to avoid being left behind. The growth of smart cities has shown the importance of utilizing technologies in traditionally ‘offline’ situations. Cities now recognize the role of signage in helping get their message across and empowering citizens to feel involved in their city. But why is the same not happening in more offices? Smart cities are growing, but smart workplaces are still catching up.



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